CREATE A TEAMFrom your Carry1st Africa Cup Profile Page, click on "New Team".
Enter your team name and optionally upload a team logo. Click Create team.
After creating the team you will be able to invite other users to your team. The easiest way to invite another player is to send them the team invite link. Once they go to the link they will automatically be added to the team.
JOIN A TEAMTo join a team, you must get your team captain to either send you the team invite link, or they must invite you to the team, then you will receive an invitation in your notifications that will allow you to join.
Play a match
Once the tournament starts and you have your first match, it will be listed both on the tournament page and in the Activity tab in the top right corner. Click on the match to go to the match page.
On the match page you will see a few important things:
- Your and your opponent's Game account. Make note of your opponents account as you will be adding them as a friend in-game later
- The Match Date. This is the date the match was initially created with both participants present. An important rule to remember is that if either participant is not present in the game lobby within 15 minutes after this date, they are subject to forfeit.
- Host. This is the participant that must invite the other participant in-game and host the party. It is not required that this player host, the other player can do so as well if they prefer.
- Chat. This will be your main method of communication with your opponent and the tournament admin.
- Dispute. Should your opponent break a rule or enter false results, you should dispute the match via the Dispute button. This will alert an admin and disable any score entry.
Participants must join each-other in-game using the Game accounts listed on the match page. Once all players are present and the game has been set up according to the tournament rules, the match may be started.
Finish a match, report the results
Once you have finished all games and one participant has been declared the victor - both participants must report the results on the match page. This can be done by going back to the match page and clicking on Enter Result.
Note: The enter result button will only be visible to team captains in team-based tournaments.
Once a result has been entered, the opposing team wiill have 5 minutes to respond to the result (accept or reject) before it gets automatically accepted.
Participants will then either be eliminated from the tournament or continue to the next match. The above should get repeated until the participant gets eliminated or wins the tournament.